Monday, 7 March 2016

Quick Picks ~ This Week's Top 3 Reads

This past week has been pretty busy but I've managed to indulge in some amazing reads! 

It's been back to university and back to huge piles of mind-numbingly tedious essays this week, which you think would mean little to no leisure reading. Well all I can say is that you severely underestimate my ability to procrastinate, my friends!

Today I'm bringing three books to your attention that I hope will intrigue you, entertain you, and above all have you falling in love with their worlds and characters. I know I enjoyed them immensely as I read them to avoid my looming assessment tasks - so I hope you do too!

So let's. Get. Listing!

This week's Top 3 Picks

#1: Of Poseidon (The Syrena Legacy #1) by Anna Banks

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Genre(s): YA, fantasy, romance, mythology

One sentence summary: Girl meets a merman-esque dude, finds out she's part fish too, and chaos and romance ensues.

Best part(s): The COVER omigosh the COVER. I have so much cover love for this book...heck, this entire series. The art is stunning, the colour scheme is to die for, and it's the perfect addition to any bookshelf. From the cover model's ethereal dress to the font which makes me want to cry it's so perfect! this cover just ticks all the boxes for me.

But enough about my fanatical love of pretty book covers! My true favourite part of this book was the fresh approach to mer mythology. The Syrena - Anna Banks' take on merpeople - come complete with lore, laws and traditions, and a unique way of life that enriches the storyline.

Least favourite part(s): The tortured gazes. The star-crossed smitten stares. The will-they-or-won't-they-they-probably-will tension! I love me some romantic tension, but honestly there was a little too much relationship drama for my liking.

Fave quote
'Emma’s ability to overlook his existence is a gift—but not one that Poseidon handed down. Rachel insists this gift is uniquely a feminine trait, regardless of the species. Since their breakup, Emma seems to be the only female utilising this particular gift. Even Rayna could learn a few lessons from Emma in the art of torturing a smitten male.'

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#2: Trick by Natalia Jaster

Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Genre(s): NA, YA, fantasy, romance

One sentence summary: Bad boy court jester with a good heart meets seemingly cold-hearted princess and a good deal of flirting ensues.

Best part(s): Any part with Poet in it!! The guy is seeeeeriously swoon-worthy and you can't help but get a heart flutter or two every time he delivers a knee-weakening one-liner or sweet words fall from his silver tongue.

But he's more than just the quintessential bad boy, which is what makes him even swoonier is that a word? Because it SHOULD be a know what it IS a word starting right now! He has a big and kind heart, as does his lady love the princess - and it's this gradual reveal of their deeper feelings and selves that makes for a winning read.

Least favourite part(s): Was the sexiness overdone? Was it NA/YA? Was the plot a little unbalanced at times, juggling romance plot points, political conflict, familial issues, friendships and witty banter?

The answer to all of these questions is a little bit. I appreciated the book's unique twists and turns, but I felt that the overall execution left something to be desired. I was left feeling a teensy bit unsatisfied with how everything was wrapped up overall...but that's not to say I didn't enjoy it. A little bit more cohesiveness in regards to plot, however, would have been appreciated :)

Fave quote

'“A princess does not spy,” I stated. “She observes.”  
“And pray tell. What did you see?”
“I cannot recall. The landscape distracted me.” 
Which landscape? Mine or the countryside’s?” Eyes glinting, he cupped a hand to his mouth and whispered, “Be careful how you answer, Highness. I’m memorizing what you say, in case you’re wondering.” 
“I am not.”

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#3: Pool of Rathorne by Cheryse Durrant

Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Genre(s): YA, fantasy, novella

One sentence summary: Girl who needs physical healing meets badass dude who will hopefully heal her heart.

Best part(s): The main character who is beautiful and badass with physical imperfections

And no these imperfections don't miraculously disappear leaving her with model good looks. And she doesn't sit about moaning about the pain and the judgement she receives because of her ailment. She has a mission and she's motivated! Three cheers for girl power!

Least favourite part(s): The ending was a little predictable - in a good way! But still, even though I knew it was a novella, I was still hoping for more. More of Raoul's backstory and his mission, more romantic tension and build up. The end contained romance and answers but it a felt a little rushed.

But hey, I got my kissy scene so all's good! ;)

Fave quote
'‘We prefer to think of ourselves as healers, rather than witches. That term is so…’


‘I was going to say common.’

‘Trust me. We’ve only just met,’ his cobalt gaze drew her in and she almost lost her grip on Delwa’s spell, ‘but I would never consider you common.’' 

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Which book will you be adding to your TBR? Have you read any standout books this week?

Let me know in the comments below!

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