Saturday, 7 September 2019

Birthday Musings | 24 Lessons I've Learned from Book Characters


✼ Tomorrow I turn twenty-four ✼


That's right, dear readers - I am one step closer to becoming one of those brilliant wallflower heroines in historical romance novels! Jokes aside [although Victorian era fashion is to die for!], I've actually been looking forward to turning twenty-four.

This past year has been a journey and one that has shaped me into my 'adult' self. This adult self still avidly watches cartoons and binges cat videos...but she also has some pretty great new qualities and skills.

One of the biggest factors to have shaped me in life is literature.

Books have been my constant companions, mentors and havens throughout my life. And I've noticed more and more that I'll reference books [moments, or quotes] when dealing with life's trials. I've found so much wisdom between the pages of books and some of these nuggets of wisdom have become cornerstones of life for me.

Today I'll be sharing twenty-four lessons literature has taught me.

Books through their characters have given me so many incredible life lessons and I thought I'd share some of those with you lovelies today. Some are deep...some are the complete opposite! But all are true gems. I hope you enjoy reading through them!

So without further ado...let's get into it!

Friday, 6 September 2019

Myths & Legends | The Harp of Kings Review + Author Interview


Myths and legends are like ink wells.

Writers dip their mental quills into these ink wells, drawing from them inspiration to construct their own timeless tales. There is a sense of the ancient - of mystery, wild magic and hidden depths to explore. And one author who does this so brilliantly is the incredible Juliet Marillier.

Juliet Marillier is a treasured storyteller.

Throughout my life my love of whimsical, wild magic stories has continued to thrive. I remember reading Juliet Marillier’s novel Wildwood Dancing for the first time and being swept away by what can only be described as storytelling magic. Her stories speak to me as if from a forgotten past - they feel like glimpses into old and mystical worlds. They hold a classic charm that failed to fade over time - instead, becoming all the more poignant and treasured.

Today's post is about her latest novel The Harp of Kings.

The Harp of Kings is an absolute gem of a novel and I'm truly excited today to not only be giving my review of it but to also be sharing with you all my interview with Juliet Marillier! Both the review and the interview can be found below.

A massive thank you to Juliet Marillier and the team over at Pan Macmillan Australia for helping organise this incredible interview opportunity + sending me a review copy of this incredible book to read and review.

So without further ado...let's get into it!

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