Friday, 25 April 2014

Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas ~ Cover Reveal

Want to know what I thought of Heir of Fire? Check out my review here

The Throne of Glass series by author Sarah J Maas is known for its brilliant content both on the covers of its books, as well as inside of them. 

And the latest addition to the series Heir of Fire (TBR September 2014) is sure to be no different. The book's cover was officially released today and has made quite the impression with Throne of Glass fans worldwide.

If you haven't seen the much-anticipated cover yet - or, you want to take another look! - check out the images below: (both the US & UK versions)

What do you think of the covers? Are you excited for the release of Heir of Fire? Let us know below!


  1. Love the green in these covers! So bright!

  2. Hey,

    I am so excited for this, I've already heard things from people reading arcs and I am so excited. Did you read the excerpt?

    Louise Wilkes from (


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