Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Belated Valentine's Day Pressie for My Bookworms!!!

When I saw this I can honestly say:

  1. My brain froze (obviously from contact with the Ice Prince, duh)
  2. My heart pounded
  3. And I squealed. Loud.
So...I read it. To see my quick and (relatively) spoiler free review on Goodreads click HERE. And, to save yourself from your misery click the picture of Ash (which, for those who are either blind or stunned is to the right).

Love it. Comment. And let me know what YOU thought of the actual-not-so end to the Iron Fey love story!

1 comment:

  1. I heard good things about the series, but haven't started it yet. One day :-)

    Safari Poet


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