Sunday, 16 February 2014

My Life From Hell ~ ARC Review

My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3)
By Tellulah Darling

Rating: 5

'Sophie's Top Ten of Final Showdown Terrors (...)

1.) Me getting it all so wrongThe prophecy about me being the saviour of humanity will be totally off-base and the one about me being an instrument of destruction will nail it. 

Come spring equinox, I, Sophie Bloom, will personally destroy the Earth and everyone on it. Probably including myself.

Good times.'

My thoughts on the book:

The only thing missing in this book was a narration by The Muses. And maybe a song number or two!

I love this series so much. It's the kind of series that steadily grows over time, becoming better and better with each book - the characters gaining more depth, and the storyline becoming more layered and intense.

And for all you Kai fangirls out there, I will end your misery for you - yes, there is plenty of Kai to swoon over. Let's just say that Sophie really, really wants to talk things out with him, but Kai thinks that talking is overrated...leading him to resort to other more hot smexy subtle methods of silencing her!

But all super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot gods aside, this book carried a very important message.

In a Frozen-esque reveal, readers discover that the ultimate message Tellulah Darling is trying to send out is not love is important in the 'smoochy-poo-make-out' way. But that self love is important. Vital, in fact.

"It's not about being the best Sophie and Persephone, or even the best Sophie or Persephone. Just the best person. And for the first time in my life, I love that person. All of her."

Sophie comes to understand that the highlights and hardships of love pale in significance to self love. That loving the person she is, and accepting that person, gives her more power than 101 Kai relationships.

And I think that is immensely important lesson for everyone to grasp, and to live out in their daily lives.

Onto other news, this book carries a much-repeated theme, which I've dubbed: The Appreciation of Theo's 6 Pack (The Non-Alcoholic Kind)

From Festos' understandable admiration, to Sophie's slightly disturbing fixation during near-death experiences, we get a lot of Theo's abs-appreciation...which is not appreciated too much by Theo himself!

"I'll have you know I am more than my six-pack."

Mmm hmm. Sure thing, Theo dear. ;)

Aaaaaaand...Demeter is still a massive itch with a capital b.

I don't understand why nearly every single book that incorporates mythology concepts needs to make Demeter horrid. She's the Goddess of Wheat, guys. The worst she can do is flingWonder White loaves at you!

But Demeter gets up to some pretty bad stuff in this series. This book will definitely make every female reader re-evaluate their mother-daughter relationship. Demeter's blackmailed, stabbed and snubbed her kid. So the next time you and your mum fight over who's doing the dishes...just thank the gods she's not holding a poisoned blade to your throat!

And to make the whole thing sweeter, Theo gets this dumbass plan that they should ask Demeter for help. By this point I was like:

But like any good book, it would be completely pointless if our main protagonists used common sense.

There will be many parts in this book when you will undergo something like this:

There will also be times where Sophie jumps head-first into danger and you'll prepare yourself to sing:

Yet, you'll come out the other side of the book feeling like you've won a $1 000 000.

So hold onto your togas, strap on your sandals, and prepare for an amazing adventure :)

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of this trilogy before but it sounds awesome. I lovd mythology and might check this out! Great review :)

    Asma @ IceyBooks


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