The Dreamland finale is here!
*pinches self*
*double-checks calendar*
Is this...actually happening? Have we really reached the end of the incredible Dreamland series by E. J. Mellow? Is this a highly vivid dream?!
Gosh, it seems like just yesterday that I was reading this series for the first time and discovering its magic. Not only was I introduced to The Dreamer (which won me over almost instantly) but I got acquainted with E. J. Mellow. Kind, lovely, and imaginative, she had so much passion for writing and I just knew her series would grow to become something every reader needed on their bookshelf.
The Destined concludes this magical cycle.
From awe-inspiring world building and perfectly paced action scenes, to sizzling romance and emotionally destructive endings...the Dreamland series has delivered time and time again. The Destined continues this tradition, bringing together everything that makes this series so addictive along with new elements that keep you guessing.
It's so hard to say goodbye.
It's so bittersweet! We may be closing the final page of a series that has changed our lives, but we're not leaving its world and colourful characters behind. Because those will always have a place on our hearts, in our minds, and on our bookshelves!
So let's raise a toast to E.J. and her winner of a series!
Celebrate the finale with me as I delve into The Destined and the conclusion of Molly's epic journey between worlds. Read on for more info on the book + my thoughts and a sneak peek!

Title: The Destined (Dreamland #3)
Author: E.J. Mellow
Genre(s): NA, fantasy
Synopsis: I searched for you in the stars tonight. But I found none that burned as bright as you. — Part of a letter from Dev to Molly
With the loss of Terra’s greatest weapon, the war against darkness escalates rapidly, and time is on no one’s side. While Dev struggles to keep his home and hope alive, Molly and Rae find themselves forced to confront a desperately kept secret and quickly learn that a life-altering sacrifice is the asking price to restore order.
Nightmares, betrayal, the fate of two worlds, and one man’s hunger for vengeance lead Molly down a twisted and dark path she fears she might never come back from. Cornered into making a heart-wrenching decision, Molly teeters between deliverance and damnation. Who is worth saving most—a nation or the one she loves?
From Award Winning author, E.J. Mellow, comes the breathtaking conclusion of The Dreamland Series. A story that will take you on a spine-tingling and gripping ride through self-sacrifice, the true power of love, and the importance of friendship.
Author: E.J. Mellow
Genre(s): NA, fantasy
Synopsis: I searched for you in the stars tonight. But I found none that burned as bright as you. — Part of a letter from Dev to Molly
With the loss of Terra’s greatest weapon, the war against darkness escalates rapidly, and time is on no one’s side. While Dev struggles to keep his home and hope alive, Molly and Rae find themselves forced to confront a desperately kept secret and quickly learn that a life-altering sacrifice is the asking price to restore order.
Nightmares, betrayal, the fate of two worlds, and one man’s hunger for vengeance lead Molly down a twisted and dark path she fears she might never come back from. Cornered into making a heart-wrenching decision, Molly teeters between deliverance and damnation. Who is worth saving most—a nation or the one she loves?
From Award Winning author, E.J. Mellow, comes the breathtaking conclusion of The Dreamland Series. A story that will take you on a spine-tingling and gripping ride through self-sacrifice, the true power of love, and the importance of friendship.
Add to your Goodreads bookshelf today!
Waiting for this book was like staying up on Christmas Eve.
The building excitement, the longing - the inability to go to sleep because you know something amazing is coming soon and you don't want to miss it. Multiply that feeling by a hundred and maybe you'll come close to the amount of anticipation I was filled with for The Destined!
The Divide left us hanging off the edge of an emotional Tartarus.
We were left wondering whether our OTP ship would be able to sail safely into the harbour of Happily Ever Afters. Being a fan of Dev more like an obsessive fangirl and hopeful future girlfriend lol I was devastated by an ending that didn't leave much hope for us members of Team Dev.
The Destined quickly restored my faith in humanity.
The first page was a breath of fresh air. I have (in great detail) waxed poetic about E.J. Mellow's writing in the past so I won't spend too much time doing so now...but I just need to say how beautiful it truly is. The way that first page was laid out was perfection. As was the rest of the book for that matter lol!
The snippets of letters between Dev and Molly made my day and simultaneously broke my heart. The love between them shines through every word and you can feel the pain of separation in every letter. Some of my fave letter snippets include:
'I searched for the stars tonight but I found none that burned as bright as you.'
'What haunts me the most is that I can't hold you when you need me the most.'
'I'll be where I always found you.'
Molly and Dev are #couplegoals.
The realism that makes up the foundation of their relationship makes them one of my favourite literary couples. E.J. doesn't skip over the measures they have to go through to help their love endure, or the hurdles that arise - it's raw and very true to life.
A happily ever after for E.J.'s characters isn't something that is gifted or expected but something that has to be earned by them. Through their actions, sacrifices, and the strength of their love for one another.
Chapter 44 was the hardest thing I have ever read.
Every book has that chapter. The one that broke you. The one that sent you running for the nearest tissue box and chocolate stash...the one that makes a book truly memorable.
Chapter 44 was that chapter. And there are no words for the emotions I felt during Chapter 44 so I will express it all through the power of gifs:
The Destined was a dreamer's delight.
Vivid and destined to pull tight on your heartstrings, The Destined sets an incredibly high standard for NA storytelling like no other book or series I've read. I don't know if I'll ever find a NA book to top it...and I don't know if I need to. Because I have a feeling I'll be indulging in E.J. Mellow's evocative storytelling for years to come :)
Although I was provided with a review copy by the author and/or publisher, all opinions expressed in the this post are purely my own. To find out more, please visit my disclaimer page.
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