Monday, 4 January 2016

Remembrance by Meg Cabot ~ ARC Spoiler-free Review

This is not a drill, everyone. Nor is it an extremely early and well-organised April Fool's joke on the entire Meg Cabot fanbase. 

This. Is. Real.

Yes, this seventh book in the highly-acclaimed, swoonworthy and badass The Mediator series is a real dream come true! The 400 page book is TBR February 2nd 2016 which means that you won't have to wait long for more Suze & Jesse awesomeness.

I was lucky enough to acquire an ARC of the book via Edelweiss and William Morrow Paperbacks which led to a lengthy fangirling session where I danced around the house like a madwoman possessed by the ghost of a madwoman.

Read on for my spoiler-free review + some sneak peeks from the upcoming book!

My Review


Book cover: Let me see...does it feature a badass Suze? Check. A hottie in a tux? Check. Meg Cabot's name on the cover? Check. Is Suze wearing boots that I would die for? Check, check, check!

Not only am I totally envious of the perfection that is her hair (I mean how does she get it to not frizz, girl, teach me your secrets!!) but those sunglasses? The bling? The boots? Overall Suze is as badass as ever!

This may be my inner fangirl talking but I have been waiting to see Jesse de Silva in a tux since forever. Am I little disappointed we don't see his swoonworthy face? Yes I am. But I think I can forgive the cover simply because that tux is incredibly hot and having Jesse's face on the cover would have totally outshone Suze ;)

Plot: Meg Cabot always surprises me with her complex and intriguing plots. Remembrance is not an exception. 

The fact that it is the seventh book in the series will make some bookworms a little uneasy. I mean, there is an entire mind-blowing series to live up to! No one wants the final book - especially one we've all been anticipating for so long - to be an afterthought filled with fanfiction-esque ramblings.

Remembrance is far from that. It may, in fact, just be one of my favourite books in the series. Purely because we get to see Jesse and Suze at their most vulnerable and their most human. Meg Cabot brings out her signature humour and wit, as well as some great plot twists and developments. I was really surprised with how detailed the plot was and how Meg Cabot was able to come up with fresh ideas, problems, and resolutions. This book is a new journey with old friends and it really feels like coming home.

Reading Remembrance was actually a little emotional! It really makes you connect with the book's title 'Remembrance' - a trip down memory lane, reconnecting with past characters and storylines. All the other books come rushing back to you. I was just so excited every time I read a familiar name, or caught a reference to something that had happened in the previous books. And yes I totally fangirled over Jesse. I mean, come on, the guy is like a bottle of wine he just gets better with age!

Favourite quote: I tried to pick just one but I am too weak and in love with this book so I am making it two!

#1: "I'm sorry. I'm actually very busy and important and don't have time for rich jerks from my past who want to make amends. But I wish you luck on your path toward transformative enlightenment. Bye now." 
Remembrance, Chapter 1

#2: "Of course I'm not crying. I never cry. It's allergies. They're terrible this time of year."  
Jesse gave me one of his lopsided grins."It would be all right if you cried," he said. "I like it when you do. It gives me an excuse to play that overprotective nineteenth-century macho man you're always talking about." 
Remembrance, Chapter 14

Final notes: Just a quick note about Remembrance. Even though it is the seventh instalment in the series it is the only adult one. All the other books in the series come under YA. There will be mature themes and situations discussed in the book. It is in no ways overdone, nor does it change the basic nature of the book or the series. However in Remembrance the characters we know and love are adults and so there is a shift in genre somewhat :)

Have you read the Mediator series? Will you read Remembrance?

Let me know in the comments below!

About the book

In REMEMBRANCE, the seventh instalment of the Mediator series, all Susannah Simon wants is to make a good impression at her first job since graduating from college (and becoming engaged to Dr. Jesse de Silva).  

But when she stumbles across an ancient murder, old ghosts—and ex-boyfriends—aren’t all that come back to haunt her.  

REMEMBRANCE will be the first ever adult instalment of the Mediator, published by William Morrow, the adult division of HarperCollins, the company that brought you the YA books in the series.

Add the book to your Goodreads bookshelf today!


  1. It's so cool to see some of our favorite YA characters as adults! We at are definitely excited to read Remembrance. So excited in fact that we are giving away a free copy of the book to share the love! Head over to the following link to find out how to enter:

    Happy reading! :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog! It's definitely awesome to see how our fave characters have grown up and changed...and also how they've remained the same, too <3


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