Monday, 12 May 2014

Music Monday ~ Banished by Liz de Jager

Hosted by: Total Book Geek

It's Music Monday! Time to pick a book & pair it with some winning tunes...

This Monday's pick is Liz de Jager's Banished (The Blackhart Legacy #1). 

Banished is an incredible YA novel which inspired me to create a playlist for it almost immediately after I finished reading it. Today I will be sharing two songs from my playlist.

To start off, I want to share a song that I think represents Thorn & Kit. If you've read the book I have two words for you: Chapter 49. If you haven't read the book, I won't spoil anything. But I'll just say that I think this song's lyrics fit perfectly in with Thorn's inner struggle in Chapter 49 & sums up his feelings for Kit.

The song is This Is For Keeps by The Spill Canvas

The final song I want to share is a song that I love listening to whilst reading Kit's badass moments. Any time she's taking down the enemy or doing something brave, YADI's Guillotine is the song to play!

Do you think these songs fit Liz de Jager's Banished? Do you have any songs to add to the playlist? Let me know below!

'Sworn to protect, honour and slay. Because chaos won’t banish itself…

Kit is proud to be a Blackhart, now she’s encountered her unorthodox cousins and their strange lives. And her home-schooling now includes spells, fighting enemy fae and using ancient weapons. 

But it’s not until she rescues a rather handsome fae prince, fighting for his life on the edge of Blackhart Manor, that her training really kicks in. With her family away on various missions, Kit must protect Prince Thorn, rely on new friends and use her own unfamiliar magic to stay ahead of Thorn’s enemies. 

As things go from bad to apocalyptic, fae battle fae in a war that threatens to spill into the human world. Then Kit pits herself against the Elder Gods themselves – it’s that or lose everyone she’s learnt to love.' (Blurb via Goodreads)

Check out my review of Banished here

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